English: | Deep Antler Pills to Tonify and Astringe |
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Colla Cervi Cornus | Lu Jiao Jiao | 120g | Tonifies the Kidneys and strengthens Yang. With Ren Shen, Strongly tonifies Qi and strongly warms the Ming Men to generate Qi. for palpitations, low back pain, and decreased and difficult urination due to severely deficient Heart and Kidneys and Yang Deficiency with weakness of Fire at the Ming Men. . |
Poria | Fu Ling | 120g | Promotes urination, leaches out Dampness, strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Middle Jiao. |
Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | 120g | Tonifies Qi and Blood, strengthens the Spleen, raises the Yang Qi of the Spleen and Stomach, tonifies the Lungs, aids circulation of moisture downward from the face, promotes urination and reduces edema. With Ren Shen, for Qi Deficiency with general debility, anorexia, fatigue, tired extremities and spontaneous sweating. With Zhi Fu Zi, for Yang Deficiency with spontaneous sweat. |
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi | Long Gu | 120g | Prevents leakage of fluids. With Zhi Fu Zu and Ren Shen, for profuse sweating as found in Devastated Yang with Collapsed Qi. With Sang Piao Xiao, powerfully astringes and tonifies for enuresis, urinary frequency, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emissions and vaginal discharge due to unstable Kidney Yang. |
Fr. Psoraliae | Bu Gu Zhi | 120g | Tonifies the Kidneys, strengthens Yang, stabilizes Jing, astringes urine, tonifies and warms Spleen Yang and stops diarrhea. |
Sm. Cuscutae | Tu Si Zi | 120g | Strengthens Yang, nourishes Yin, astringes Jing and urine, benefits the marrow, benefits the Kidneys and Spleen and astringes diarrhea. With Fu Ling and Lian Zi, for urinary, incontinence, frequent urinary urges, and terminal dripping of turbid urine. |
Rx. Ginseng | Ren Shen | 100g | Powerfully tonifies Yuan Qi, tonifies Spleen and Stomach Qi and treats impotence. With Zhi Fu Zi, for Collapsed Qi and Devastated Yang with spontaneous sweat, ice cold extremities and shortness of breath. |
Rx. Aconitis Lateralis Preparata | Zhi Fu Zi | 60g | |
Cx. Mori | Sang Bai Pi | 60g | Promotes urination and reduces
edema. With Zhi Fu Zi, for coughing and wheezing with edema due to Kidney Yang Deficiency. |
Cx. Cinnamomi | Rou Gui | 60g | Warms the Kidneys, Spleen and Heart and strengthens Yang and Ming Men Fire. With Zhi Fu Zi, powerfully tonifies Kidney Yang, for Kidney Yang Deficiency with lower back pain and weakness in the legs and knees. |
Sm. Nelumbinis | Lian Zi | 60g | Tonifies the Spleen, astringes diarrhea, tonifies the Kidneys and astringes Jing. |
Ootheca Mantidis | Sang Piao Xiao | 40g | Tonifies the Kidneys, assists Yang, retains Jing and astringes urine. With Tu Si Zi, for spermatorrhea and vaginal discharge due to Kidney Deficiency. |
Fr. Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi | 40g | Tonifies the Kidneys, astringes Jing, stops diarrhea and spermatorrhea, astringes sweat, tonifies Qi and generates fluids. With Long Gu and Sang Piao Xiao, for spontaneous emissions. With Huang Qi, for Yang Deficiency with spontaneous sweat. |
- Warms and Reinforces Kidney Yang
- Kidney Yang Deficiency